Do you know what kind of car key you have? Read on to learn about the differences between the various car key options to better help you in case of emergency.
When you purchase a new vehicle, it is an exciting time in your life. You cannot wait for the salesperson to hand over the keys so that you can drive from the lot with your brand-new vehicle. You are handed the keys and off you go. When you see the keys, you know there is some type of key fob, but you have no idea what kind. The thing is, you will want to know what kind of keys the new keys are considered. If you know the difference you will save yourself time in the long run.
Knowing the difference between a transponder car key and a remote car key is important. What happens if you lose your keys? What happens if your keys are stolen? You need to be able to explain to the locksmith what type of keys you had that made your vehicle run.
So, we will look at the difference between the two because they may look alike.
Transponder Alarm Keys
Transponder car keys work like this. A transponder key is run by radio frequency to unlock and lock your vehicle. The key also has a second level of security. The key fob has an electronic chip that remotely responds to the signal of the lock in the ignition. What this does is if someone breaks into your car, the vehicle will not start even if the alarm system is rendered useless. This adds a second layer of protection when it comes to the safety of your vehicle. Because these vehicles are so hard to steal, those looking to steal a vehicle will target the older vehicles. Most older vehicles have the older types of alarm systems that can be disarmed quickly and easily. The easier the vehicle is to disarm the faster the thief’s can get away with your vehicle. The more layers of protection the safer your vehicle is. Those looking to steal a vehicle will always look for the quickest and easiest route.
Remote Car Key
A remote car fob works differently than a transponder. A remote key has a key blade where you can unlock your doors physically. A remote key fob will allow you to
unlock and lock your vehicle remotely with the tap of a button. The radio frequency is specifically tailored to your car and may even be able to alarm and disarm the vehicle alarm system. Your remote may also allow you to open and close the vehicle windows. With the use of the remote system, you do not have to unlock and lock your car manually.
The Differences Between a Transponder Car Key and Remote Car Key
A surefire way to tell the difference is to use aluminum foil to wrap your vehicle key fob. If the car starts it is a remote key. If the vehicle starts with the aluminum foil it is a transponder key. The aluminum foil will block the electronic signal.
What to do if You Lose Your Car Keys
When you lose your car keys it can be instant panic. When you lose your car keys it is important to have them replaced. A good locksmith will know how to help and get you a replacement set of keys. A transponder key system will need to be replaced with an approved key fob by the vehicle manufacturer. Each key has its own algorithms and codes, it takes a certified locksmith and a professional key programmer to replace your keys completely. Your vehicle identification number will also need to be entered and other information to keep your vehicle keys from being duplicated. Your vehicle will not be able to tell if it is the original key or not if the replacement is done the right way.
There are two distinct types of transponder keys. The first is an encrypted key. The second is a zero-bitted key. The zero-bitted key is void of preset inscription and a professional locksmith will have the tool needed to replace your keys.
An encrypted key is made with a preset encryption that is matched to your vehicle. Our professional car locksmiths can use a special tool to connect to the vehicles OBD port. With the tool, our locksmiths can set a new encryption to the key and the vehicle alarm system. When you need to have special keys made it is best to use a professional locksmith.
Yes, you can go to the automobile dealer, but it will cost you a lot more for the same exact replacement. Our experts are trained in the newest innovations when it comes to the keys and key fobs of new automobiles. Our customers know they can count on us for quick service that is affordable.
Keys not Working Correctly?
If your keys are not working correctly it is time to call one of our locksmiths. Our locksmiths are available 24/7 and are expert at replacing and replacing all types of vehicle key fobs. Locked out of your vehicle? Our locksmiths can come out to where you are in a matter of minutes. There is no waiting for hours on end and chancing being put into a dangerous situation.
Smart keys are now the way keys are manufactured. It is the modern way in the automobile world and probably will never return to the way keys were made in the past. There will be times when you wish the keys would revert, but you cannot change things.
The best thing to do is to make sure you have a good locksmith that keeps up to date with the most recent changes.